Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Reason I need an iphone

do it yourself.
plug in the iphone
slip it into the box
change what you see through the hole with a little 'touch'
choices include a clock and chirping babies

My Next Doll House

Read all about this handmade fabulous house on design*sponge

Sew Genius


sew chic

gulnuroz daglar

Many goodies made from used PET bottles. 
Art created by
Gulnoroz Daglar?  I'm sorry but I lost the name.  

Moe Originals

 above drawn by M
Title: Ms. Lauren

below drawn by G
Title: Playing football against the Minnesota Gophers.
(G is the large figure; the smaller figures are the Gopher players attempting to tackle him).

January 2010

My New Love

Happy Valentine's Day to ME!
Here's a new site

ooooOOOOhhh LA LA!

They have oodles and oodles of joy on paper!
I want to post everything, so lets just all go there and spend the day!

Nautical Rug

I think I saw this first from Martha.
Here it is again:

looking just as fabulous.
There are instructions for weaving it on the website above.
Someday maybe we'll both have one?

City Sized Bulletin Board

I have a wall that's troubling me and I think this is just the thing I need to make it great.

thanks apartment therapy!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i need moe art

Miss Lowen, Maggie, and a wock.
Miss Lowen and Maggie are holding hands.

watercolor painting

New Inspiration in Textles

 dreadlock scarf
wristwarmers with thumb holes

Vitamin H


 a dose of vitamin H boosts the spirits when the sun isn't out as much.